Services Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration - Pompano Beach, FL


Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration Pompano Beach, FL 561-260-5190

From floods to fires, Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration is with you at every step of the way to help reduce the damage brought about by such calamities. Problems come calling when you least expect them and often we remain unprepared to handle such situations. Our most prized possessions get soaked up in water or burn up in ashes before our eyes. While we cannot do anything about the devastation in the wake of the disaster, we can surely help with repair and restoration of the damage done. The quicker you call us on 561-260-5190 the easier it will be for us to put things back together.

Our team is available round-the-clock for assistance across Pompano Beach, FL area.

Our 24/7 service umbrella covers the following sectors:


When disaster strikes and causes upheaval in your life, you can count on our caring and professional services. We cover all your residential needs of restoration with mold remediation, damage mitigation, deodorization, cleaning, and repair solutions. We consider the initial 48-hrs critical and take measures to prevent mold and bacteria growth. For this, we control moisture followed by its removal. In case of fire damage, we will take measures to prevent permanent damage from acidic smoke residue. We also clean, deodorize the property and restore hard surfaces, upholstery, carpet, air ducts, grout and the tiles.


For immediate restoration solutions for businesses and offices, call us - our team will be at your location in the shortest time frame. We do not want you to lose business revenue just because a calamity has struck your office. With us by your side, your business will recover with minimal possible disruptions. Enjoy reliable and permanent restoration and repair services with our seasoned team on the job. They will handle tasks like tarp over, board ups, content storage, relocation, debris removal, cleanup, structural drying, upholstery cleaning, mold remediation, duct cleaning, full service repair work, odor removal, smoke, fire damage cleaning and restoration.

For commercial and residential properties, we believe in offering fast response because we understand how important timely intervention is. Devastation can always happen but it is important to keep a cool head and give a call to Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration in Pompano Beach, FL area without further ado.

Call us on 561-260-5190 to help you now!

Water Leaks Detection

Is your water bill getting larger by the day? Perhaps you hear the water running somewhere, but you have personally inspected all the taps and you find that there’s no leakage. When this is the case, the problem lies in hidden leaks. While obvious causes such as a burst pipe or a leaky pipe are easy to spot, in most of the cases, water leakage is difficult to locate and does unseen damage over time. Only a professional eye will be able to detect a leak with meticulous examination. Click here to read more...

Flood Damage Restoration

The last thing you would want is to have your home flooded and your assets damaged but sadly it happens more often than you think. Immediate action can limit the situation and make restoration easy. Burst pipes, leaking faucets, and full-fledged flooding due to natural causes, is more than just stagnant water. Rather, the water damage brought about by such events is potentially destructive and can set you back financially. However, with immediate intervention, you can protect yourself and your family from electrical hazards, mold growth and expensive, extensive damage to furnishings, building infrastructure, thus saving up on costs. Click here to read more...

Mold Remediation

Water damage brings with it a host of problems for you to deal with. These not only relate to your property and its belongings but also involve the health of your family. When you allow the moisture to remain unchecked for any length of time, it facilitates the growth of mold. Unchecked dampness leads to hidden mold that causes health hazards. Mold spores trigger allergies, sinus, asthma, fungal infections, mycotoxin poisoning, and causes depression and fatigue. Click here to read more...

Water Damage Restoration

Water damage restoration process can be extremely simple like vacuuming the water out to dry the room. In other situations, entire section of the home may require rebuilding. Ultimately, the aim is to restore the property to its pre-damage conditions, remove all traces of moisture through effective drying, cleanup, decontaminate and make your home livable again,. Standing water is extremely dangerous to your assets and property because it will keep on doing damage quickly and provide a perfect environment that facilitates the growth of mold and bacteria. Click here to read more...

Fire Damage Restoration

Fires are especially devastating because not only do the flames do much of the damage, but when the fire fighting team leaves, your property grapples with smoke, damage to belongings, and flooding due to excessive water that was required for dousing out the fire. Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration has been helping people in Pompano Beach, FL area get back on the road to normalcy after fire accidents. We will take the needed measures to restore and clean up the home to its pre-fire condition. Our team will also remove the pervasive odor of the smoke; deep clean the soot from carpet and upholstery and reconstruct portions, so it looks like your property was never consumed by fire. Click here to read more...

Reconstruction And Remodeling

Natural calamity and accidents can leave your home and business in ruins. When you call on the experts in the aftermath, they will try their best to restore normal conditions through professional techniques. Sadly, this may not be possible always, and when this is the case, reconstruction and remodeling remains your only option. This does not have to be a difficult process when you have the most experienced service providers in Pompano Beach, FL area by your side. Click here to read more...