Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration - Flood Damage Restoration


The last thing you would want is to have your home flooded and your assets damaged but sadly it happens more often than you think. Immediate action can limit the situation and make restoration easy. Burst pipes, leaking faucets, and full-fledged flooding due to natural causes, is more than just stagnant water. Rather, the water damage brought about by such events is potentially destructive and can set you back financially. However, with immediate intervention, you can protect yourself and your family from electrical hazards, mold growth and expensive, extensive damage to furnishings, building infrastructure, thus saving up on costs.

Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration experts are an old hand when it comes to surveying and repairing flood damage to homes and offices. With a single phone call to 561-260-5190 you get expert guidance at your site, quickly and get to leverage on more than two decades of experience serving the Pompano Beach, FL area.

Flooding: How and why?

Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration Pompano Beach, FL 561-260-5190In addition to the natural causes of devastation due to heavy storms and rainfall, such problems may arise due to a wide variety of other reasons, such as:

  • Frozen, leaking pipe water line
  • Backed up septic tank and sewage lines
  • Overflowing toilet, bathtub, and sink
  • Structural abnormalities such as leaky roof
  • Overflowing dishwasher or washing machine
  • Absence of weatherproofing measures
  • Clogged drains

How we work?

Step 1: Damage assessment:

The first step is the assessment of the damage level in your property. When you call Pompano Beach Emergency Restoration, our experts will survey the situation on-site and based upon that will plan the restoration strategies to be deployed. We also provide an upfront estimate at this stage.

Step 2: Formulating solutions:

This step involves quick thinking from our end. We must save the property and assets as much as we can from the flooded areas, stem the flow of water, undertake the required cleanup process, and restore normalcy.

Step 3: Implementation

Once we have the right strategy in place, it's time to get into action to achieve the desired results. We use the most advanced equipment for removing stagnant water, fast drying of the place, and restoration of your assets.

Step 4: Restoration

The restoration stage is the most critical and we need to take care of all the components of the property inside and out. This includes flooring, walls, the furnishings, the furniture, and other knickknacks around the place. If mold is there, we will take the necessary steps to clean out everything and make your property spotless and smelling fresh.

Step 5:  Insurance

Our experience in dealing with insurance companies is in good stead when it comes to recovering your claims for the damage sustained due to flooding.

Step 6: Prevention

Accidents will happen due to natural calamities, but we can take preventive steps to quickly ease the perilous situation and restore the devastation brought about by floods or fire.

We’ll be there for you, 24/7

The best thing about our services is that we are available anytime you want. We are always at your service in Pompano Beach, FL area. Call us on 561-260-5190 for expert help.